
Renos Oy uses cookies on their website as described in this policy. This policy gives you an idea about why and how cookies are used, and how you can manage their use.

1. General info about cookies

We use cookies to better understand the behavior of visitors to our website and to offer you a personalized user experience. By using cookies we, for example, aim to streamline and load the pages faster and improve their usability. We do not use cookies to collect personal information of the users or to forward it to third parties.

2. What cookies do we use and how?

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how our website is used by visitors. We gather information to make sure the site caters to the users’ needs (e.g., so they can easily find what they are searching for) and to gain insight into improving the site.

Google Analytics registers which pages are visited, how long you stay on any page, from where you came to the site, and what links you follow.

3. Managing cookies

You can accept, remove or completely block the use of cookies in your browser. Please note that blocking cookies may limit the functionality of the website and your user experience. Settings vary between browsers; you can learn how to change them e.g. in the Help section of your browser.

More info about cookies and how to manage them at